Chevrolet zřejmě zamýšlel, že na známé americké výstavě tuningových vozidel SEMA předvede dva zajímavé kousky svého velkého trucku Silverado. Nakonec to ale nevydržel a odhalil modely už na výstavě v Texasu. Ale tomu se rozhodně nedivím. Řidiči z Texasu totiž velmi často sedají za volant právě takových velkých pick-upů jako je Chevrolet Silverado.
Oba koncepty si můžete prohlédnout ve fotogalerii. Černý model se jmenuje Silverado Black Ops a tak trochu připomíná auto vybavené na to, až proběhne nějaké apokalypsa nebo přepadení země mimozemskými civilizacemi. Druhý, červenobílý model, nese název Silverado Z71 Volunteer Firefighter a slouží jako model, který vzdává čest všem dobrovolným hasičů. Pokochejte se americkými stroji v galerii.
The SEMA concept Volunteer Firefighters Chevrolet Silverado Double Cab, equipped with the Z71 Off Road suspension, was developed with the National Volunteer Fire Council to honor the service of grassroots first responders and share a vision of how the all-new, more capable 2014 Silverado can be pressed into duty.
The SEMA Black Ops concept, based on the Chevrolet Silverado Crew Cab 4×4 builds on its strength, performance and safety with features designed to turn the wasteland into an oasis. Whether it’s a hurricane the likes of which only Hollywood special effects artists could dream up or other unforeseen emergency, it’s ready for anything.
The SEMA concept Volunteer Firefighters Chevrolet Silverado Double Cab, equipped with the Z71 Off Road suspension, was developed with the National Volunteer Fire Council to honor the service of grassroots first responders and share a vision of how the all-new, more capable 2014 Silverado can be pressed into duty.
The SEMA Black Ops concept, based on the Chevrolet Silverado Crew Cab 4×4 builds on its strength, performance and safety with features designed to turn the wasteland into an oasis. Whether it’s a hurricane the likes of which only Hollywood special effects artists could dream up or other unforeseen emergency, it’s ready for anything.
The SEMA concept Volunteer Firefighters Chevrolet Silverado Double Cab, equipped with the Z71 Off Road suspension, was developed with the National Volunteer Fire Council to honor the service of grassroots first responders and share a vision of how the all-new, more capable 2014 Silverado can be pressed into duty.
The SEMA Black Ops concept, based on the Chevrolet Silverado Crew Cab 4×4 builds on its strength, performance and safety with features designed to turn the wasteland into an oasis. Whether it’s a hurricane the likes of which only Hollywood special effects artists could dream up or other unforeseen emergency, it’s ready for anything.