Firma Gibbs Amphibians vyrábí mnoho let obojživelná vozidla. Pozornost jí zaručil model Aquada, který je vlastně kombinací kabrioletu a rychlého motorového člunu. Gibbs ovšem dnes už vyrábí primárně užitečnější vozy. Jde o modely Phibian a Humdinga. A právě druhý jmenovaný se nyní bude vyrábět v Asii.
Firma totiž poskytla práva na produkci a prodej v jihovýchodní Asii společnosti Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd. Ta těmito vozy chce zásobovat záchranné složky, aby měly jak zasáhnout v případě povodní nebo tsunami. Auta pomohou při zásazích hasičů, policie, záchranářů nebo evakuaci osob.
Humdinga je přitom poměrně schopným strojem. Pohání ji turbodiesel, díky kterému dokáže dosahovat na zemi rychlostí, se kterými se lze v klidu pohybovat po dálnici. Nechybí samozřejmě pohon všech kol. Na vodě pak může uhánět téměř 50 km/h. Uveze přitom 750 kg nákladu. Zdá se tedy, že půjde o opravdu užitečné využití obojživelného vozu.
Gibbs Amphibians introduces the Phibian High Speed Amphitruck on the Potomac River Tuesday, February 7, 2012 in Washington, DC. Designed for multi-mission first responders and military applications, Phibian is capable of traveling in excess of 30 mph on the water and at highway speeds on land. It seamlessly makes its water-to-land transition in less than 10 seconds with the simple push of a button. (Photo by Mark Finkenstaedt for Gibbs Amphibians)
Gibbs Amphibians introduces the Phibian High Speed Amphitruck on the Potomac River Tuesday, February 7, 2012 in Washington, DC. Designed for multi-mission first responders and military applications, Phibian is capable of traveling in excess of 30 mph on the water and at highway speeds on land. It seamlessly makes its water-to-land transition in less than 10 seconds with the simple push of a button. (Photo by Mark Finkenstaedt for Gibbs Amphibians)
Gibbs Amphibians introduces the Phibian High Speed Amphitruck on the Potomac River Tuesday, February 7, 2012 in Washington, DC. Designed for multi-mission first responders and military applications, Phibian is capable of traveling in excess of 30 mph on the water and at highway speeds on land. It seamlessly makes its water-to-land transition in less than 10 seconds with the simple push of a button. (Photo by Mark Finkenstaedt for Gibbs Amphibians)
Gibbs Amphibians introduces the Phibian High Speed Amphitruck on the Potomac River Tuesday, February 7, 2012 in Washington, DC. Designed for multi-mission first responders and military applications, Phibian is capable of traveling in excess of 30 mph on the water and at highway speeds on land. It seamlessly makes its water-to-land transition in less than 10 seconds with the simple push of a button. (Photo by Mark Finkenstaedt for Gibbs Amphibians)
Gibbs Amphibians introduces the Phibian High Speed Amphitruck on the Potomac River Tuesday, February 7, 2012 in Washington, DC. Designed for multi-mission first responders and military applications, Phibian is capable of traveling in excess of 30 mph on the water and at highway speeds on land. It seamlessly makes its water-to-land transition in less than 10 seconds with the simple push of a button. (Photo by Mark Finkenstaedt for Gibbs Amphibians)
Gibbs Amphibians introduces the Phibian High Speed Amphitruck on the Potomac River Tuesday, February 7, 2012 in Washington, DC. Designed for multi-mission first responders and military applications, Phibian is capable of traveling in excess of 30 mph on the water and at highway speeds on land. It seamlessly makes its water-to-land transition in less than 10 seconds with the simple push of a button. (Photo by Mark Finkenstaedt for Gibbs Amphibians)
Gibbs Amphibians introduces the Phibian High Speed Amphitruck on the Potomac River Tuesday, February 7, 2012 in Washington, DC. Designed for multi-mission first responders and military applications, Phibian is capable of traveling in excess of 30 mph on the water and at highway speeds on land. It seamlessly makes its water-to-land transition in less than 10 seconds with the simple push of a button. (Photo by Mark Finkenstaedt for Gibbs Amphibians)
Gibbs Amphibians introduces the Phibian High Speed Amphitruck on the Potomac River Tuesday, February 7, 2012 in Washington, DC. Designed for multi-mission first responders and military applications, Phibian is capable of traveling in excess of 30 mph on the water and at highway speeds on land. It seamlessly makes its water-to-land transition in less than 10 seconds with the simple push of a button. (Photo by Mark Finkenstaedt for Gibbs Amphibians)
Gibbs Amphibians introduces the Phibian High Speed Amphitruck on the Potomac River Tuesday, February 7, 2012 in Washington, DC. Designed for multi-mission first responders and military applications, Phibian is capable of traveling in excess of 30 mph on the water and at highway speeds on land. It seamlessly makes its water-to-land transition in less than 10 seconds with the simple push of a button. (Photo by Mark Finkenstaedt for Gibbs Amphibians)
Gibbs Amphibians introduces the Phibian High Speed Amphitruck on the Potomac River Tuesday, February 7, 2012 in Washington, DC. Designed for multi-mission first responders and military applications, Phibian is capable of traveling in excess of 30 mph on the water and at highway speeds on land. It seamlessly makes its water-to-land transition in less than 10 seconds with the simple push of a button. (Photo by Mark Finkenstaedt for Gibbs Amphibians)